Quarz / Bergkristall Spitze - Galenstock Schweiz
Quartz / Fadenquartz - Galenstock Switzerland
Smoky Quartz Gwindel - Galenstock Switzerland
Smoky Quartz Floater - Galenstock Switzerland
Smoky Quartz - Galenstock Switzerland
Fluorite - Emilio Mine
Fluorite - Annabel Lee Mine USA
Fluorite & Quarzz - Inner Mongolia
Fluorite & Quartz - Inner Mongolia
Fluorite & Quartz
Calcite with Pyrite and Quartz - Huanzalá Mine Peru
Calcite with Apatite, Quartz and Pyrite - Huanzalá Mine Peru
Apatite with Quartz and Pyrite - Huanzalá Mine Peru